As you may or may not know, I compulsively collect anime merchandise, action figures and statues in particular.
I've got give or take 30 of 'em (mostly purchased within the past eleven months), and I have another one (that 1/8 Fuka I was whining about a few posts ago) on order.
But until now I have never, ever, seen one this amazingly cool....
Behold your new God, DANBOARD!
I am positively thrilled and somewhat confused that something as painfully obscure and uncool as Danboard is getting action figure treatment. In fact, I'm fucking shocked that Kiyohiko Azuma (who has denied animation studios the rights to adapt his more recent works for fear of ruining the artistic nature for the sake of a quick buck) has approved of such ludicrous merchandising (this will be the third Yotsuba&! toy released in the October-December 2007 time period).
Regardless, as a rabid fanboy desiring yet another Revoltech figure (I have three at the moment and plan on purchasing several more in the near future), I cannot help but be smitten with this revolutionary toy idea.
Who'd have thought a robot made of cardboard boxes would make a good idea for a super-posable action figure (with light-up eyes, no less).