How much did it cost?
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
How much did it cost?
About $36.
Pff, $36, i might pre-order the HMM Zoids Geno saurer model.
Its fucking $88
$88? Pffft.
$111 Akane Tendo and $94 Ran-chan represent, yo.
Whats the cheapest manga you ever found for sale?
In terms of lowest price, the two original Golgo 13 graphic novels for $1 a piece.
In terms of biggest savings, volume two of Akira for $10 (It retails for about $40).
The cheapest manga I have ever gotten was when my friend gave my volume 1 of fma in exchange for a soda and two herseys bars.
In terms of the best savings was when I found one of hellsing volumes(Can't remeber which) on ebay for 3.50 american dollars.
Hellsing is fucking expensive in Canadia Land.
Like $18 a volume pricy.
Its expensive here to, it was some nice guy on ebay from england that I got it from.
I should shop more on eBay, I've found some great shit on there before (Cowboy Bebop: The Perfect Sessions for $11).
That sucks ya gotta wait. :-(
Oh well, I'm used to waiting for shit.
I make the mistake of pre-ordering hard to find or limited print run items quite often.
Here, there was this Borders that was offering "buy three manga, get one free."
It was kind of a crappy deal.
That is kind of a crappy deal.
The old comic shop 'round here used to have a "buy two, get one free" deal all year round.
Too bad they went out of business this spring since besides myself they had around two customers.
Kill them.
They do seem to hate me, what with the fact Hobby Link Japan is out of stock on all the items I want...
That Balalaika shirt was beyond epic.