Dan Paladin is right,
This is still good, just senseless,
Dan Paladin is right,
This is still good, just senseless,
It's oldie, but a goodie!
This is still fun, after several years,
this MUST get a modern update!
This is classic,
The humour, the difficulty, the stylized graphics, all of this unforgettable, TEN!
No contest, a masterwork of this site,
In the words of Stone Cold, "Borrrrrrrrring,"
Crap, way too hard to beat, you can shoot everything, only see blood when you die, the graphics are Madness rips, this blows, plain an' simple.
Je ne sais quois?!
Whoa, that's awesome! Good ending!
*Crazed laughter*
Good sound, m'kay graphics, try adding some BLOOD!
"I wanna whatchu BLEED!"-Axl Rose
Die you muthafuckas!
*Insane laughter!*
Everyone in bodybags!
They look funny since they animate like the Zombies from Resident Evil,
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04