So yeah, gonna play vidya gaems or something this weekend.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
You're a retard, kid. Grow up
Gee, real mature.
I have the opposite feelings. Life makes me hate people, the internet makes me like people.. Of course there are exceptions in both.
My life is just peachy-keen, so as long as I try to ignore the news, I'm always in high spirits.
Even when the media makes me angry, I still have a fairly positive view of the world, since very little stupidity actually directly affects me.
I'm loving this laugh.
I'm more partial to "KUKUKUKUKUKUKUKUKU!" myself.
Yeah I think I've come to the conclusion to stop reading the newspaper at work. I get too depressed. I may just start scanning it for the cute animal stories they do every now and then. Who cares if you don't know about world events. Most of them you'd rather not know about anyway. I'd rather sit in the dark.
I'm negative about everything which didn't help, but currently I am happy, so it's all good! =]
Yeah, current events are too unpleasant...
I know that the internet makes me hate Phantox, whether or not he classes as a person is debatable
God, fucking cannot stand him.
I can't read that text. I'm either missing out on something completely funny or something this is really moronic.
BUT I'LL NEVER KNOW. Oh, the pain.
It's probably nothing earthshattering.
You know what makes me hate people?
People suck, and that's my firm belief.
Non amused Joker is not amused with NG faggotry.
He'd raher get his dick beat by Batman then deal with people on here.
You know what, I just realized how super-fucking serious the Joker looks in that picture.
Gendo i'm going to get your name tattooed inside my anus.
That's a nice gesture, buddy.
I shall do the same for you.
Oh okay.
Balls, good sir. Balls.
From being ature on the internet to being immature on Xbox-live.
Naw, Ecks-Bawks ain't mah gaem.
I'll probably just play either Devil May Cry or Half-Life 2: Episode One.
Not feeling in a multiplayer mood.