Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
You will dream you are lesbo. You will have sex with other lesbos...you will scissor. As you run your hand through Jessica's hair, you will blush with the sensation of excitement yet feel like you're preparing to venture into the unknown. You will slowly unstrap her bra, and begin to rub her right nipple. The first thing you notice is that her nipple felt really hard....like a penis. A really muscular penis with a trickle of moist sweat dripping down the penis. You begin to envision a redwood forest of penises. A beautiful redwood forest of penises with a sunset glaring in the distance. Jessica's nipples.....
I have writer's block. (I didn't want to start improving my story structure if you know why.)
Well, that one just sounds peachy-keen.
You'll have a dream about rape.
You are going to dream that you're in 1973 England.
I've always wondered what it would be like in 70s-era England...
I'd say nachos, but I've already done that too much.
So I'm just going to say Haman.
Mmmmmmmmm, marvelous.
Haman AND nachos, though, that'd be bliss.
Haruhi! ^_^
You will dream about being a real anime girl.
Seems terribly likely.
Wait, what I am talking about? I'm awake now.
And I can't recall having any dreams....
Oh well, there's always tonight.
Little boys, apparently.
... About, of course.
You will dream of being a little girl. You will run through the fields, giggling with delight with every second that passes by. There's not a cloud in sight; it's a beautiful day. You lay down on your back and smile as you lose yourself while staring at the endless sky. ON that note, the dream ends, and you find yourself returning to reality.
You will wake up refreshed, and ready to face any obstacles that life throws your way.
That sounds genuinely exciting.
Or arousing, I confuse those feelings easily.