....and I just torrented every episode of Urusei Yatsura in said format.
Now I'm sad.
EDIT: Media Player Classic for the save. I can use that until I figure out why VLC isn't playing MKVs.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Posted by Gendo - February 7th, 2008
....and I just torrented every episode of Urusei Yatsura in said format.
Now I'm sad.
EDIT: Media Player Classic for the save. I can use that until I figure out why VLC isn't playing MKVs.
I'm sorry.
Did I just hear (read) you say (type) that you TORRENTED Urusei Yatsura?
After a harsh telling off you gave someone in the anime club for being a pirate?
That's an anime club rule.
I'm not off bragging about it in the club. I'm doing so on my own personal userpage.
Plus, let's be realists here, who's gonna spend $1,000 on ONE anime series?
Plus+, I was annoyed by the fact the "pirate" had actually purchased bootleg DVDs instead of downloading. That practice is just shameless and horrid.
Why is buying illegal anime DVDs any worse than downloading them?
The person buying them wants to buy them, but they're limited by the fact that they can't do so due to them not being released. They're just taking advantage of someone else taking initiative.
People who download aren't even trying to buy them.
Not that I care much about either practise.
I'm just somewhat against hypocrisy.
It's only psuedo-hypocrisy.
After all, I'm condemning him for supporting the illegal DVD trade, and then using pathetic excuses to justify it.
At least with downloading money doesn't go to the wrong place.
Plus, I think I've made enough legit purchases in my life to download a series with a fairly clear conscience.
If it was at all possible to purchase Urusei Yatsura for a sane amount of money, chances are I would already own it.
But the season boxsets are long out of print and can't even be found on eBay.
Would you want to buy fifty $19 DVDs? Better yet, order fifty $19 DVDs online?
Why is the money in the hands of an illegal DVD monger any worse than in your pocket?
Are you a better person than him/her?
And I wouldn't buy any DVDs, really. I just don't watch DVDs enough to justify buying them.
Well, yeah.
It's pretty widely thought that violating international copyright laws for the sake of (sometimes substantial) profit is way more despicable than some average Joe torrenting some files.
This argument is pretty futile, because now you're arguing that downloaders are just as low as profit-hungry pirates, which is fairly hypocritical of you (since it's pretty clear you've obtained anime by questionable means yourself).
Why would you want to use VLC? Like you said, you already have CCCP MEdia Player Classic.
Also, I can see why you would get so mad at the pirate in the Anime Club. If somebody wants to pirate something, then that's fine. Trying to justify it makes the person seem like an arse, though.
I was using VLC for ages beforehand and I became fond of it.
But fuck, MPC is awesome, so I've decided to stick with it.
Hey, of course I've obtained anime by questionable means.
javascript:NewsPosts.GetPost(78683).S aveComment();
Leave It!
You and the "profit hungry pirate" are doing basically the same thing. Only he or she is making money from it.
Then again, your argument works better on a legal stand point, as you would get sued for more if you were making a profit.
And the law is always the focus.
Hell, Atticus Finch proved that you don't even need to win the trial, just make the jury think and look damn sexy doing so.
Atticus Finch: Ace Attorney.
Bob Ewell better watch out. I hear that Atticus is tearing through the streets with a shotgun bent on ending Rabies.
The scene where he shoots the dog had me in stitches...
I've got a drawing of a pissed-off Atticus with "RABID DOGS AND RACIST COURT SYSTEMS BEWARE, HE'S COMIN' FOR YOU!" written on it lying around somewhere.
The book was a masterpiece, and the film wasn't half-bad either.
I still haven't seen the movie of To Kill a Mockingbird.
The book, however, was quite good. I had to study it a couple of years ago. A bit stereotypical if you ask me.
License to Kill a Mockingbird.
The movie is worth a watch.
Lacks some of the book's more interesting moments, but well-acted and fairly entertaining.
All of this talk about it makes me want to re-read the book and rent the film again.
I'm much more likely to lean towards watching a movie I don't know the whole story of.
This isn't getting to the root of the problem.
You better march yourself right on back to the anime club and apologise to whoever it was for being such a mean little boy.
I wouldn't be caught dead apologising to Smc316, especially since whether or not he deserves it is a matter for the biased Southern jury to decide.
You know what gets to the root of problems? A meal at *insert your favourite restaurant here*, my treat.
A meal at the soup kitchen?
Hot damn!
You can have as much lukewarm minestrone as you want!
I don't understand smiling while shooting someone in the head...But it looks very fucking fun.
Well, yeah.
Gun-related violence is always fun.
But that pic is awesome, and so is Urusei Yatsura.
Don't be sad, BE GLAD!