The insipid holidays are nigh.
My Christmas shopping is about 95% done.
I really want to watch Die Hard.
And now for something completely tasteless.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Posted by Gendo - December 22nd, 2007
The insipid holidays are nigh.
My Christmas shopping is about 95% done.
I really want to watch Die Hard.
And now for something completely tasteless.
Now that is risque.
Nice ass.
It's more than risque, it's just plain tasteless.
Regardless, I could stare at it for hours.
Meh, I jerked off to worse.
^And to the cops! The above comment was a joke.
Five bucks says your town's police department has a huge stockpile of loli and the captain jacks off to them regularly.
Only 95% done? And Christmas is in like, 3 days? Or if you celebrate something else I dunno. My point is, my shopping was done in November.
Gee, someone's none too bright.
I've mentioned Christmas many times in my blog, so it's clearly the winter holiday I celebrate.
95% is a fucking massive percentage.
Three days is more than enough time to purchase two small gifts.
Bob's your uncle.
Nobody gives a fuck that you did all of your holiday shopping last month.
Gary Oldman has never been nominated for an Oscar.
I live in Louisiana, and my sheriff is Asian. Scratch that...he was Asian. He died about a month or two ago.
I heard about that guy.
His obituary was in the local paper here.
^I mean he probably would have.
Have you seen Live Free Or Die Hard yet? You haven't lived until you see that.
Also, Pedobear.
I have yet to get the chance to see it. Tomorrow I shall seek out a copy.
Nice ass.