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Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Generic ageement comment.
Ageement is awesome.
That was certainly lol worthy.
It could just be my sarcasm meter is off, but two guys talking with wacky voices for 3 mins just didn't do it for me...
Someone is missing the joke by a fucking mile.
Let me bit your "flower"
Naughty, naughty.
Is the joke how retarded gamers can be about things? Cause I get that joke, doesn't make it funny or anything...
You're a tremendous faggot.
Go watch Slayers.
Golly that picture looks painful.
Vagina full of roses.
Really unpleasant.
You should talk.
I know, I know.
Your actually biting your own flower.
Half-life is being a Vietnamese prostitute on November 21. "Me sucky sucky foh one dollah."
Yeah, I heard.
Pretty kickass.
How the faggots on Kotaku act makes me want to donate one million dollars to Jack Thompson. No one should ever have to feel that way.
Yeah, Kotaku has some big fucktards.
lol, would me making a generic post about how awesome the thing you like is make it better? Seriously, don't get so upset just because I don't find something funny.
I'm not upset, you're just saying embarassingly dumb shit because you fail to get straightforward humour that pretty much every decent human on the planet does understand.
I'd really rather you not comment at all if you're going to come off as a total tool because you don't understand something.
In Satan's Ass (or something) was also a good one.
Peezle Ward: Escape from Satan's Ass.
Awesome title, awesome flash.