Current game: Metal Gear Solid
2:54 PM: Successfully infiltrated Shadow Moses, obtained some weaponry, defeated Revolver Ocelot.
3:20 PM: Defeated annoying tank boss, made it to the nuclear warhead storage building, saved and quit.
7:33 PM: Found Otacon, beat Psycho Mantis, currently hunting for a sniper rifle. Saved for the second time and quit.
10:41 PM: Got the PSG-1, battled Sniper Wolf, survived torture. Saved and quit.
Current playtime: 3:44 (taking a bit longer than expected, but I haven't skipped a cutscene or codec call)
Current playtime excluding cutscenes: 0:03
What difficulty and radar type have you got it on? I've always wanted to try MGS with no radar, though probably The Twin Snakes if I ever get it, for the First Person viewing.
Also if you're not doing MG1 or MG2, shouldn't it be a Metal Gear Solid Marathon?
Easy and full radar, just trying to get through this one as quickly as possible. Definitely going to play the others on normal, especially since I found 4 to be piss-easy on normal anyway and easy mode was an insult for the ten minutes I played it.
I may end up playing the original MG games since I do have Subsistence.