Akagi fangirls scare the shit out of me.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
What HAVEN'T they made a -cest out of yet?
I don't even know if I wanna think about that.
Isn't having sex with yourself technically masturbation?
I dunno, have you ever boned yourself at 12 years of age whilst being banged by your 54 year old self?
"Snake is sick and he's gone to make himself better."
I was so close to BAWWWing there, until the next cutscene came and made all the worries go away.
Kojima pissed me off at that point. That was a low blow Kojima!
It was like being kicked right in the crotch.
Fangirls in general scare me, like one of my friends who insist that Ranma loves Ryoga and wants to have hot steamy gay secks with him.
Oh wow.
Oh yeah and I forgot, she also wants them both to be children while they do it to add to the "cute" level.
I think I'm going to puke.
If you think Akagi fangirls are scary then stay the fuck out of Ravenholm.
All fangirls scare the shit out of me.
I can tolerate some (the "KAIJI-KUN IS SO MOE~" thing is actually pretty awesome, probably because I'd go gay for Kaiji in a heartbeat), but Akagi stuff just pushes me over the edge. There's something creepy about an elderly man having sex with younger versions of himself.