Another dull day, exams are in two weeks.
Luckily, as soon as they're done, summar tiem.
What shall I do, NG?
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Posted by Gendo - June 2nd, 2008
Another dull day, exams are in two weeks.
Luckily, as soon as they're done, summar tiem.
What shall I do, NG?
I still have one week until my finals. After that, I get to sleep as long as I want, and nobody can do shit about it.
That's just dandy.
Make a time travel machine and do pointless things to alter the future, like insuring that Rumiko Takahashi becomes a boy rather then a girl, which in turn will tear a rip in the space time wash, causing all existence as we know it to vanish in a poof of logic?
Time travel actually sounds pretty awesome.
Nothing says "AWESOME SUMMER" like causing universe-destroying paradoxes.
Zeta came today.
Gotta wait until August for mine, but oh well, at least it's free.
I know what you should do, finish Operation Life Destroyer. You got to finish watching House M.D. man.
Of course that'll be done, as I intend on buying more DVDs and I can only justify that once I've finished the ones I currently own.
By you saying "clod", it HAS to come back into my vocabular repetoire.
God, it's an awesome word. Clod.
Are you going to study during this intermediate time, or are you just going to do shit all? :P
Study a bit for math, but ignore the rest since I'm totally going to pass every other class even if I suck at the exams.
Catch up with me and Mendou of course, as well as chill out with awesome music. Sorry about the other night, when I restarted Avast! did a complete computer scan and it took 3 hours so I went to bed.
Sounds like a plan, Seth.
It's been summer for me for 4 weeks.
Lucky, lucky.
Haha, you're still in school?
Mine let out six months from now.
Jesus, that picture's adorable.
My hard drive is loaded with adorable imagery.
i wish i had some ;x
no u
My school will let me out two weeks ago.
/unoriginal response.
Math sucks.
Go hang out with me and Mendou.
Yeah, let's do that.
Gonna fail and have to redo it anyhoo.
Grade my anime list.
Oh, I dunno.
Sit around and watch shit?
<a href=""> omic=280</a>
This is awesome!
Oh my God, fuck yes.
Hahaha, your still in school? Mine let out a week ago. What you should do is smoke that pot then study a lot. Then when you go for the exam smoke as much as you can.
Yeah, because Canada is different, you fucking clod.