It's been cold here in Washington too, the storm has been terrible.
Its also fucking 40 degrees at 2 in then afternoon.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
It's been cold here in Washington too, the storm has been terrible.
Its also fucking 40 degrees at 2 in then afternoon.
Hahaha, oh wow.
I'm sure its a lot colder up in Canada.
Always is.
Change of plans, good sir.
I will now most likely be getting an External Hard drive.
I need to back up most of my things.
A good 80-100gig model will do.
Good choice/Recommendations?
100 gig = very yes
I myself want an external at the moment.
Ninja nonsense looks good.
What got you to love the show so much?
A late night view of the first two episodes in the summer. I laughed my balls off.
Plus the day Jim showed up loudly banging on my door screaming "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA AAAD MASTER, COME AND PLAY, IT'S SHINOBU!".
God, I really hate you.
I just watched a clip of Ninja Nonsense, and now I have the urge to watch more of it.
It's well-worth watching, my friend.
Will my cock keep you warm untill spring?
Sure, slap it in.