I know it sounds gay, but I'm trying to be ironic here.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
I know it sounds gay, but I'm trying to be ironic here.
I can't be that faggy can I?
i meant fischon3@hotmail.com.
Interesting story:
I come back here after about three months and what a surprise, this place still sux. Ugh, I changed a lot of info in my account so I wouldn't be bothered by NG emails anymore I've given up on this place and fuck, 4chan is usually better at times so I usually go there now. I honestly don't care if this account gets deleted, I wasted a good three years at this place, time I'll never get back.
But hey, sometimes it was worth it just to know not everyone on a forum is a dumbass. Anyway, I'll PM you some stuff, k? <:3c
Thanks for the PM, broseph.
All the good users are leaving NG...but then again, I see no reason why anyone should stay. This place loses a bit of its appeal everyday.
Add me.
OMG you and Mendou are the same person!!! :P
Add me if you like, I don't think I'm worthy to talk to you though.
chub rockets
someone wanted me to ask u "what's so bad about AMVs?"
Why the Hell did someone want you to ask me, of all people, that?
I'm currently playing through GTA: ChinaTown Wars.
I haven't tried it yet.
I should.
My DS is just sitting there.