The individual Hyaku Shiki is chromed.
It are shiny.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
The individual Hyaku Shiki is chromed.
It are shiny.
Yeah, this one is too.
The MBZ one is flat paintjob, it's terrible.
Also, thats the only HGUC Box set I don't have.
The Jet Stream set is awesome BTW.
Yeah, I'm gonna grab that fucker sometime.
Do you buy that stuff online?
More often than not, yes.
I get the rare kit from a local shop or friends, though.
Cool, how expensive is the average action figure or kit online?
Action figures run around $15 to $40, kits vary greatly based on size and complexity.
A small kit is around $5, a really big one is $90.
These three kits came as a set for $35.
Your either really dumb or realy generous for spending on that much for action figures.
Although they are cool.
Sorry for daring to have a hobby.
And "you're".
Man, all this talk of models is making me want to go to my local hobby store and buy a couple of kits (doesn't have to be Gundam, but I'll see what I can find).
Armored Core models are pretty cheap and look nice.
Oh I wasn't insulting you, I was just saying that's a lot of money to spend.
So you watch a lot of mech anime, huh?
I have a lot of money to burn, frankly, and I could no doubt do worse.
And yeah, mech's pretty much my favourite genre. It's not even that I'll all that into sci-fi, I just find a lot of mech series have interesting characters.
Probably because I'm really into politics and a lot of the older shows deal heavily with that.
Yeah. Rather waste a ton of money of action figures than on coins which aren't worth any real value.
Some mech animes are pretty decent, I wouldn't say they are my favorite genre but they are far from my least favorite.
I wish their was more animes that were more about modern warfare or such, honestly.
I would kill to watch a anime that had good action, cool characters and was about WW2, the Vietnam war, etc.
WWII is a huge fascination of mine.
Probably why I'm so into Gundam, deals heavily with parallels to the politics of the time.
A WWII show needs to happen.
Mine too.
But i doubt it would happen as we would like it to considering the Jap was the bad guys and all and they lost.
Unless it was written from the Americans point of view which might work but would spore a lot of controversy and unnecessary drama over in Japan and it'd probably be banned or some stupid shit.
Yeah, international sensitivities are most likely the reason this hasn't and won't happen.
I wish we could get to the point where every major war on earth will be fought in space with giant robots.
Of course, this won't probably happen in our time, but still.
Yeah, with how technology is evolving, that'll take a few hundred years.
So true.
Doesn't change the fact their needs to be a WWII like war anime.
Hell it could be a made up war, I just want some war anime that doesn't include mechs for once.
Well, Valkyria Chronicles looks like it's gonna be a pretty bitchin' show.
It's like WWI meets WWII with magic Jews.
My brother had one of those once......he got really pissed when I tore it apart......but that was about 7 years ago, I didn't know any better.....
7 year olds know better than to just tear things apart.