When mine were bruised I had this pretty XBOXHUEG clothing/bandAid thing tied around my stomach, few days in it and I WAS ALRIGHT.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
When mine were bruised I had this pretty XBOXHUEG clothing/bandAid thing tied around my stomach, few days in it and I WAS ALRIGHT.
Sounds pretty awesome.
Did you have a ice storm a week ago? Or do you just live in a cold area?
I live in a cold area, but it's been storming a lot lately.
Oh i see, its just cause i live in oklahoma and we had a ice strom a week ago so i feel your pain. :(
Shit, son.
Yeah, ice storms are a bitch.
It was quite sunny here.
Lucky dog.
How could you even survive in snow?
I'm a mountain man.