Hey man, at least it gets you out of work and school. Personally, I've always found snow to be quite dignified.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Hey man, at least it gets you out of work and school. Personally, I've always found snow to be quite dignified.
I doubt I'll get time off school.
In the past year (I mean 365 days, not school year) we had ONE day off.
And it was last week.
I hope there's no more snow for me. :(
Seriously, winter's been brutal.
That sucks. I've been getting a shitload of snow days, because it hasn't snowed this bad in years and the city can't do much about it.
Hot damn.
I love/hate mogulus.
It's the best/worst thing ever.
Seriously, fucking shit, stop being good so I can hate you, you fucking tyrants.
Guess what! The weather down here is bipolar. It's sunny, hot, and humid.
Oh boy!
I was watching Super Jail, which I hated until I saw a few episodes. It grew on me. I'm going to buy the Season 1 DVD.
Super Jail looks great, I need to get watching.
Burning's death was the only part of Stardust Memory I found engaging.
The rest was just....eh.
It's not bad, but you know it's trying to be emotionaly resonant and failing badly.