If you cannot play as a Samurai Pizza Cat, then the game is worthless.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
If you cannot play as a Samurai Pizza Cat, then the game is worthless.
What surprises me is no Speed Racer.
I mean come on, most obvious Tatsunoko character ever.
God damnit, this whole GRIMDARK thing is being taken to idiotic levels. Really, when my choices for new anime are either a slice of life show, moe garbage, or a nice series where everyone dies at the end, something's messed up.
But yeah, rain sucks bro. Perhaps you are a rain god, and all the clouds want to do is make you happy?
GRIMDARK beats pretty much everything else coming out of Japan these days.
Except Tentai Senshi Sunred.
Oh man, what an awesome show.
After watching this, it got me thinking:
If Marvel is the arch rival to DC and Capcom(Street Fighter) is the arch rival to Mortal Kombat, does Marvel Vs. Capcom arch rival to DC Vs. Mortal Kombat?
I think that's the joke, durr durr durr.
I don't get it.
They might as well just make "Mugen" legal.
Cause playing as Peter Griffin against Ryu would be so awesome!
SSBB would be awesome with street fighting characters.
Well Capcom loves crossovers.
In fact, Japanese game companies in general do.
I wonder if the characters of Evangelion are in there... Probably not, since that was with Gainax.
Yeah, that also got left out.
Oh Christ...
They were going to cancel class because it was snowing for like an hour this morning. You could still see the fucking green grass. It hasn't snowed in 5 years. It melted in 30 minutes. I was like fuck that I'm not taking it Monday.
That sucks.
In Washington, we are expecting snow and high winds.
Kyle Hyde with a :D. It's a welcome change from Kyle Hyde looking like :|
Kyle Hyde does not need to smile.
Unless he is drunk.
Can you play as a Samurai Pizza Cat?
Not to my mind, but I didn't do any unlocking and very little info about the game is out there.