BTW, my name comes from the webcomic Looking for Group.
LOL at Yaoi manga. I guess they assume it wouldn't turn us on as the original art style. OH! HOW WRONG THEY ARE!
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
BTW, my name comes from the webcomic Looking for Group.
LOL at Yaoi manga. I guess they assume it wouldn't turn us on as the original art style. OH! HOW WRONG THEY ARE!
I mean come on, huge noses like that are perfect for penetrating orifices.
The porn potential is off the charts.
Apparently Mahjong players are prone to asthma and heart attacks.
Obama is president isnt old news u dumb fuck man i outta slap you with a coat hanger and slam your dick in a printer
lol k
Gman looks as badass as usual in the Black Mesa Source trailer. Now I need a computer that can run it.
Uninteresting comment here.
*Insert snappy one-liner*
klajsflkjsdfkljasfkljskfjkldfkljfkljk dfkjfklcukfyof kfcuyoiuyoufdfcuayklyoifdfl;kjdslkfjs ld;kfjas;ll;fdjsa;ljf;lasjjfja;lsjlk;
jfl;aksjfal;dfjp;afjas;kljflskd;jflsd k;ajf;olseahnfjkopshi;fdanklfnjpa;jfn ekl,wpnrse.fjk;asnrf;lsjfkl;ajflajfff ucyoulkjfa;lskl;a;'djafjdiso;lajp;sod fpks[flkllzslzlzx,lznukdx kallskajrelflkasjfdlkaj;lfsdajfio;slj f;dsa;a;sjflkda;jfja;fjkdskdl;fjaf;lu cyoiufoidjsfljkfjfcuyoyuufjlkdajfklfr fjdfkl;adfsjkfkj;afljacyoiyopiuflkdfk lajf;lksjlk;f;jlkasjfdalsk;fjlkurtweo ivaojsdfjdsklfjfkljjfdak;ljkll;kajlfl kffcykiuofayodi hkldfkldfjlkdfjfaukclu7yyoiduf jlkdfjajslkf;lasfjsl;sajalskj;dp;ojpe jk l;flaksjf;lkfljpakl;fdzsa;fcfucklyouf kcukfkldjkafl;lk;a;lafjfucyuoiufdajjf 7ucoiyoiujflkfucyoiuojfdjasklfkfucyoi ujlkfi0ao-=ffklkluciklfkdajdfjfkuckuk lyiouoi
<a href=""> /275794</a>
When you go on NeoToonami, can you ask Dagon to unban me? Undead Warlock Dick. Dagon doesn't get insulted until you say something which he may take as offensive about TTGL.
I'll see what I can do, he seems to be fond of me.