Yeah, I feel you man, I go to Minnesota for like a week during christmas, and it's fucking bad there. I can only imagine how shitty it must be up there during winter.
Also, Mahjong seems more and more like Texas Hold ems the more I read about it...
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Yeah, I feel you man, I go to Minnesota for like a week during christmas, and it's fucking bad there. I can only imagine how shitty it must be up there during winter.
Also, Mahjong seems more and more like Texas Hold ems the more I read about it...
The psychological aspects of both games are terrifyingly similar.
It is possible to bluff your way through a round in Mahjong, especially if you can convince a player to accidentally deal into your hand.
My friend BenTheHobo has a different attitude towards snow.
<a href=""></a>
For some of means shaving the snow with your boards! Free Hot Coco at the snow lounge, and hard nipples -lol
<a href="">
But i guess if you don't live near a snow's not as fun.
Stay Warm this Christmas ^_^
I really suck at snowboarding.
The one time I did anything awesome when snowboarding, the straps on my board broke and I fell straight to the bottom of a hill instead of rolling.
Glad I didn't break my back.
Washington sux, wind blowing so hard people are fearing power outages,
Fuuuuuck, son.
That's mad brutal.
Ah...snow boarding is just a few notches up from Skateboarding.
Once you know how to'll know how to surf, then snow.
But at least you can stay in and chat with us.
Isn't there ANYTHING about snow you like?
On the days where it isn't nightmarishly cold, it's fun to roll around in.
You put me in a snowman.
I was out there for hours until it thawed.
I hate you forever.
Sorry, baby.
Maybe some hot sex will cheer you up.
Yeah, sure would.
A real man plays Russian Roulette. Do you know how much money you can get if you win?
Snow! What the fuck is snow?
Mysterious white stuff from the sky.
is snow slang for drugs
Totally, dawg.
Then you need to take a trip to the tropics one day.
There you can tan all day. Eat fish, fruit, and BBQ. Enjoy relaxing tunes. And just be lazy all day.
Is there any place in particular you want to travel to one day?
Hawaii should be on your list.
And I might just take another trip to Canada as well...maybe Alaska during spring.
I do love Salmon...and maple syrup. Especially on top of cupcakes.
Not too fond of fish, myself.
As for travel, I'm Hellbent on getting across Europe in the next few years, I'd really like to take a sight-seeing tour of Greece.
hey there babeh,
lets date.
Shit yeah, son.
Hm, I like Akagi, but Kaiji is a bit better, so far. Maybe it's because I can relate to Kaiji a bit more, but then again, Kaiji doesn't have two awesome sidekicks...
Nangou and Yasuoka are badass.
I stepped outside this morning and my eyes froze over.
Having thousands of ice crystals poking into your retinas is not a good feeling.
But I still love Winter.
Semen showers come to mind!
Went to New York City to see the Rockettes yesterday.
Gayest. Trip. Ever.
It was flurrying all morning while I was at school. Shit was too cold, but fascinating somehow.
I found the snow capitvating, until I stepped outside.
So fucking cold.