Funny, I usually sleep IN english class.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Funny, I usually sleep IN english class.
English is the easiest class for me to sleep in, since I sit in back over in a corner, wicked far out of the teacher's field of view.
That and he doesn't really care.
Oh, and also, if you haven't, watch The Irresponsible Captain Tylor. Best finale ever.
I remember it from years ago and planned on buying it last Christmas, but it was backordered fucking everywhere.
Once I was five seconds late and was forced to get a detention.
hey what anime was that "puru puru puru" pic from
Gundam ZZ.
It's a piece of shit, but Puru is moe~.
ahhh gudam suuuuuuuuuucks!
oh well it's a funny picture!!!
Sure is.
Yeah, I'm pretty tight with my English teacher, so if I "accidentally" fall asleep in class, he'll be okay with it.
Though, I haven't slept in a class since seventh grade, which was German, so I could care less.
Jesus, that'd be the only class I wouldn't want to sleep in, aside from maybe Cocaine and Blowjobs 101.
You know what the ironic thing is? I'm like fourty five percent German, but couldn't care less about that part of my heritage.
Oh wow.
Char gets a theme song.
Because he's that badass.
Fuckin' right, son.
<a href=""> pWdM8</a>
I hate english class.
Its a stupid fucking class beacause i dont speak english :3
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Ooooh, dollar signs.
I once missed the first hour of my chemistry class, but I made it up.
That's good.