Wow, you made it this long without going batshit crazy.
Here's to another 200 news posts, you sick, perverted, insulting, monstrous, son of a bitch, you.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Wow, you made it this long without going batshit crazy.
Here's to another 200 news posts, you sick, perverted, insulting, monstrous, son of a bitch, you.
I relish in being an awful human being.
I really do.
My impression of you has been changed forever (///_///) - blush
But not in a bad way ^^ -hee hee
disney f*cked her in the ass for atlantis
Atlantis was an okay movie, but yeah, total theft of a classic anime's basic plot and characters.
fukken saved!
Little brown girls are the best.
I love you.
Let's fuck right now.
I can't believe I thought that looked good when I was a kid, of course all this new stuff is done with computers. The oldest thing I've seen recently was MD Geist 1 and 2.
0079 looks amazing.
I'd sooner watch scratchy old crap than all this glossy CGI shit.
This is relevant to my interests, to say the least.
Also, Zerok is a fag.
Slayers Try would like a word with you in terms of awesome openings.(Granted, the season itself sucked, but mexican duel music is awesome)
Also, wouldn't that pose break her leg?
Can you only ever talk about Slayers or Ranma? Dear Lord, variety pl0x.
Are you going to post a hentai picture every time you make a centennial news post?
Toonami has gods working for them.
That music and the shouts of "HAIL ZEON" have been burnt into my mind since 2001.