YARE YARE DAZE. God, I love it just enough to forgive the tardiness. Also, back.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
YARE YARE DAZE. God, I love it just enough to forgive the tardiness. Also, back.
I love it, Gary.
Will you take me with you? :(
Sure thing, Jade, anything for you.
luls dued.
When am I showing up again?
I don't think you gave me the specifics.
Later chapters (probably the last three), since we'll be in New York at that point.
Hahahahaha using stand powers for personal gain, im not surprised. Can't wait untill the next chapter.
That'll hopefully be up in a year or two.
Just kidding, but it may take as long as a week to do.