Lucky, Subsistence is just a pipe-dream to me, although my version of MGS3 has alot of the bonus features anyway. Snake vs Monkey and all that. I'd definitely say that MGS3 is harder than the previous two, I've only played the first part of MGS4 since I don't have a PS3 but it seemed relatively easy what with all the new features and octocamo.
And if you're going to include them well that just opens Portable Ops, and then does that mean you'd have to do Ac!d and Ghost Babel too? Where will it end?
Current playtime excluding cutscenes: 0:03
What difficulty and radar type have you got it on? I've always wanted to try MGS with no radar, though probably The Twin Snakes if I ever get it, for the First Person viewing.
Also if you're not doing MG1 or MG2, shouldn't it be a Metal Gear Solid Marathon?
Easy and full radar, just trying to get through this one as quickly as possible. Definitely going to play the others on normal, especially since I found 4 to be piss-easy on normal anyway and easy mode was an insult for the ten minutes I played it.
I may end up playing the original MG games since I do have Subsistence.