Have you ever played the Daibijin? Pretty fucking hilarious once you start to play.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
Have you ever played the Daibijin? Pretty fucking hilarious once you start to play.
No I can't say I have....
I went to an anime store today, there were dolls of teh rei and she was cute
that's the greatest animu screenshot i've seen in weeks. haha.
I broke out into quite the broad grin the first time I saw it.
For reals man, I felt really uncomfortable because of all the Naruto merchandise and the shop assistant in a sailor moon outfit. But then I saw a big Death Note poster and all those little figurines of anime girls and was like "I KNOW THIS FROM THE INTERNET!"
Also they have MGS action figures, so tempted to buy that overpriced shit : [
I used to live near a store called The Last Game Store that had bitchin' Lego-sized MGS figures (Kubricks, to those familiar with weeaboo toys)....for $30 a piece.
I almost bought Snake one day, until a multitude of cheaper items distracted me.
I find anime shops to have a really strange atmosphere.
They're so quiet (aside from maybe some people playing trading card games), and the patrons all seem very depressed.
Then of course you've got the ridiculous figurines that make you embarrassed for glancing at them when you're relatively in public.
So yeah, bottom line, anime stores are creepy.
At the very least, the ones which I've managed to come across.
I've seen some exceptions (I fondly recall one shop from childhood that had two locations, both of them possessing TVs and being staffed by raging awesome clerks who'd let you sit around and watch movies with them for hours), but the local anime goods business very much applies to your analysis.
I will treasure them too!
I went to an anime store and all that was there was a Cloud Advent Children outfit, Small, and a couple , American import, anime figurines. Oh and those stupid Naruto headbands and gloves.
Fortunately, all the anime shops in this province seem to be run by elitists, as Naruto merch is uncommon (and in the nearest store, totally nonexistant).
Imported games?
Pfft, piratebay my man.
That's where they're from, actually.
"Hokuto no Ken" is a weird name. :)
No u.