You crazy canadians with your maple leaf flags and your strangely pleasingly baritone facial hair...
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
You crazy canadians with your maple leaf flags and your strangely pleasingly baritone facial hair...
Yeah, we're really awesome.
How's life, toots?
This weekend was fucking shite.
How about yours?
I loves me some Spaceghost.
I'm a kniiiife
knifin' arooooound
cutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutc ut
I just bought the DVDs on a whim one day a few years ago after reading a mere one review.
And I've been hooked ever since.
When these painkillers wear off, I'm going to watch Indiana Jones. I hear it's getting mixed reviews. I guess it's too late 80's for some critics.
Yeah, I hear the story and dialogue are utter trash.
To do:
o Commence HIGH ENERGY CRISPS experimentation.
o Practice changing DVD's so it can be done super quickly.
o Tape eyes wide open during less interesting scenes, or if it's late at night.
o Convince family that I am "just fine".
Fuck, I still don't have energy drinks.
But I can dip my crisps in Dr. Pepper.
Oh the long Anime marathons. I've done the biggest mistake when I got hooked Naruto, god was I retarded, but now I'm hooked on Haruhi Suzumiya and I'm going to watch Ranma 1/2, including OVA's.
After that Chicago, next the world.
Haruhi's good, I remember marathoning it just as it wrapped up in Japanland.
Ranma's a bit of a toughie to choke back. The first 18 hours are very satisfying, the next 12 savagely disappointing, and the final 12 jump in and out of being awesome and awful.
Well I still find Ranma funny as hell, and I do have to say that House MD is a pretty good show.
The concert kicked ass. You can read all about it in my blog if you want.