I LOVE YOU JOSH. This is the chapter I did, and gary was getting pissy that i didn't finish it fast enough for him to start chapter two. But, this is the best story on the face of Newgrounds. NO LIE.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
I LOVE YOU JOSH. This is the chapter I did, and gary was getting pissy that i didn't finish it fast enough for him to start chapter two. But, this is the best story on the face of Newgrounds. NO LIE.
What that guy said.
Every sexy word of it.
Run out of witty things to say?
I'm shocked.
I support this faggotry. Can we expect there to be a manga?
Yes you can, once the story wraps up. Nothing says "cash-in/easy points in IB art class" like a manga adaptation.
I am completewryyy howryyyfied as to how little of the wryyyferences I get/find funny.
Obscure inside jokes are the best.
sage goes in all fields
Oh great Jesus in the sky, this is one of the most lulzy stories ever.
I'm in the process of drinking, but even if I wasn't drunk, I'd be laughing my ass off, still. :D
It is innit Allen? Too bad there is no actual Swans albums at my HMV.
A damn fine start of great adventure Gary, the beginning where Garys mom isn't surprised that he was jaking off and just smiled was something i found funny as hell. To bad he was eager to have Dr. Houses cock in his mouth but had other issues to attend to.(maybe next time)
Overall: Good god when is chapter 2 coming?
Either later tonight or tomorrow, since it is already done.