I need to see No Country for Old Men.
Do it for the kids, honey.
Age 33, Male
Aiming for the top.
Willamette, Colorado
Joined on 8/29/04
I need to see No Country for Old Men.
I think everyone with an active interest in film should see it at least once.
congrats. You just got the two best films of 2007.
Yeah, those most definitely were the best of last year.
Hey dere guy, I dun made ur bannur
Tanks <3
From your last news post:
"Now I can annoy people by posting droning music and/or unfunny videos."
I hope you know that you can post more than one video at a time. Just so you know.
But related news, I saw No Country twice. Am I kewl now?
Yeah, I know I can post several videos, but then people would likely ignore them even more.
Also, you're totally cool now.
Holy hell!
You done gone and changed your banner!
I felt the House one was ill-fitting, given how far downhill the show has gone and the fact I rarely watch it anymore.
I haven't seen NCFOM yet, but TWBB was okay. Daniel Day-Lewis's performance was flawless
TWBB's flaws lie in the story.
It can't decide if Plainview is the hero or the villain.
What are you talking about? He murdered two people, one for his own personal gain, and the other because he wanted to disprove god's existance.
That's precisely why the story is flawed.
Oh yeah? What about H.W.? What about Henry? Was he looking out for them?
Yeah, a choclate one with whipped cream.
Let's go, I'm buying.
So, was it as good for you as it was for me?
Certainly was, honey.
No Country had hardly any extras, apparently.
Then again, what the fuck could be needed from one of the greatest movies in modern film history.
Extras are pretty worthless, anyway.
I wish I had an air pressure gun;_;
You're not cool enough.
I do have to say, best part of the movie imo is the beginning where the gas station guy calls the coin flip right.
Yeah, that was a pretty damn awesome scene.
Now that I have finished G Gundam, you'd think I would get a life and stop drowning myself in animu.
But no, now it's Cowboy Bebop I plan to watch.
Not a bad use of time, mate.
I really wanna re-watch Bebop.